I had gotten a lot of questions about how I had learned sewing, if I had taken classes etc.
The best thing is that I tell you my little story.
I remained without a needle until 2013 I think. It was after many years of wishing I could sew. After a lifetime of envying my sister because she could – I made the plunge and began. I bought my first sewing machine to make curtains, simple pillow cases … Then when I was waiting for my second child I resumed knitting from there everything follows. By then I had invested in a sewing machine which sat unused for the majority of its life. I really only had the courage to try when my sister would help me.
Recently that has all changed. Mishaps and blunders aside I have been able to achieve a number of (for my skill) complicated projects. Did that they turn out perfect? Of course not. But they didn't need to either.
That is the point of practice. It makes perfect.
For me that would have been easier if I wouldn't have picked out expensive material. My sister kept saying that I should try with something less exquisite but I find that when going material shopping the really nice choices jump out at me and I just can't keep my eyes off of them. They are so beautiful. You are hard pressed to find similar (affordable) options when you go shopping.
Before you jump to conclusions this isn't why I wanted to learn to star sewing.
What drew me to it, beyond the enjoyment of home crafts was the thought that the clothes I would be wearing didn't come from the factory, they weren't disposable fashion, that they were made through thoughtful choice of fabric and patterns etc.
I discovered that this appealed to me more than anything else.
In short, a return to the roots that allowed me to decompresses from the stress of the day and the week when they have been hectic, I simply get behind my machine and not think about anything!
It makes me proud to see that what seemed once unthinkable to me. I get so much joy from making a shirt with collar, a dress, or a pair of pants…
My clothes are not 100% perfect and I don't know if they ever will be!
But I'm learning and I am having fun.
Isn't that what counts?